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How did I come to sophrology?

I studied at university (Institut d'Etudes Politiques d'Aix en Provence, Degree in English literature in Aix en Provence, Master's degree in International Trade and Foreign Languages for Business in Paris). But I wasn't cut out for business, and for many years I worked for the United Nations and humanitarian organizations in Latin America and Asia (including 4 years in India and 1 year in Sri Lanka). This exciting career and my many travels also led me to discover yoga and meditation, which I've been practising regularly for the past 25 years. Indeed, I wrote my final dissertation for IEP d'Aix on the theme of yoga. After a difficult personal experience, I decided to change my career path to become a therapist and dedicate myself to human development, in order to find a profession that was even more meaningful to me. People often say to me: "Yes, but you were already helping people, weren't you? Yes, but not in the same way, not in a heart-to-heart, close-to-you kind of way... ​​

Violaine Tewari

What are my qualifications?

I received more than 3 years of training in Caycedian Sophrology ( I graduated from Sofronicia, the school of Caycedian Sophrology in Nice and I have a Master's degree in Caycedian Sophrology). Afterwards I discovered psy-digitopuncture and I also trained in this method with, among others, the Yang Shen Ô School. I followed additional trainings on the following topics: Stress management, chronic pain, nutrition, sophrology for children and teenagers and breathing (Sofronicia), Better Sleep and Sophrology (Sofrocay), Sophrology and Sleep (Masterclass Bienrelax), Sophrology and Maternity (Masterclass Bienrelax), Sophrology and Neuroscience (Masterclass Bienrelax), Sophrology in the workplace (Masterclass Bienrelax), Sophrology and Addictions (Académie de Sophrologie de Paris), Sophroludique Pedagogy levels 1, 2 and 3 (Claudia Sanchez et Ricardo Lopez), Sophrology, stress, anxiety and tics in children (Masterclass Bienrelax), Sophrology and cancer, Sophrology and pain, Active listening, Psychopathology 1 (Milton Erickson Institute of Nice), Sophrology, IVF, MAP and parenthood (Masterclass Bienrelax), Sentinelles training : Meeting and guiding victims of domestic violence (Centre d'Information sur les Droits des Femmes et des Familles), Aging better and aging well (Masterclass Sofrocay), Chronic pain (Masterclass Sofrocay).

My professional experiences?

- at the Maison du Bien-Etre in Menton,

- at the Grand Hotel of Cap-Ferrat,

- at Regina Coeli, a kindergarten and private school in Nice,

- in a private bilingual school (kindergarten, primary and secondary levels) in Nice,

- in a Wellness Center that supports women's and couples' fertility through alternative medicine,

- in a Center for Care, Support and Prevention in Addictology (CSAPA Emergence),

- at the Pôle de Santé des Moulins, as part of the Month Without Tobacco,

- in partnership with Rehalto (Agrica complementary social protection group), for people suffering from burn-out,

- In oncology, voluntary activity for patients undergoing chemotherapy at the Clinique du Parc Impérial in Nice,

- In videoconference for free sessions with the organization Cigognes de l'Espoir

What are my values and approach?

La douceur, la bienveillance, l'authenticité, l'intégrité, l'empathie et le non-jugement constituent le socle de ma pratique professionnelle, au-delà des techniques que j’ai étudiées. Je vous propose des séances de sophrologie et/ou de psy-digitopuncture suivant les cas. Nous conviendrons ensemble de ce qui est le plus adapté pour vous. Je connais bien les protocoles et les méthodes que j'ai étudiés dans le cadre de mes formations mais je les adapte au quotidien et en temps réel. J'aime aussi souvent proposer une approche ludique de la sophrologie, quel que soit votre âge. Même si j'ai une idée claire de la direction de mon travail avec vous, je ne sais jamais complètement à l’avance à quoi va ressembler votre séance, car je l'adapte en fonction de VOUS et de votre état du moment. Contrairement à d’autres sophrologues, je ne vous promettrai jamais un résultat quantifiable en un nombre précis de séances, car cela est en réalité complètement impossible. Nous travaillons avec l'être vivant en constante évolution que vous êtes et seul vous-même pourrez dévoiler en vous les ressources et les forces insoupçonnées que vous détenez. Parfois cela peut aller beaucoup plus vite que ne pensiez au départ!

"Sophrologie in English"

Drapeau anglais

Besides my studies as a therapist, I also hold a degree in English litterature and worked in India and Sri Lanka for four years, which makes me a suitable English speaking therapist for you in Nice and on the French Riviera. Sessions are also available online wherever you are.

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